We welcome Reeya Shah, our new Nurse Practitioner.  She will see select follow-ups and New Patients with aesthetic concerns.

Fungal Nail Laser Treatment


Lincoln Park Podiatry Offers the PinPointeTM FootLaserTM to Treat Toenail Fungus

Are you one of the estimated 36 million people who is embarrassed by your toes because your nails have become discolored, thickened, brittle and/or crumbling due to a fungal infection? This problem affects both men and women, young and old, and is frustrating in its persistence.


That’s why I’m excited to announce that we are the only podiatry practice in the area to offer the latest clinically proven laser technology for the treatment of toenail fungus – the PinPointe FootLaser. Only the PinPointe FootLaser is scientifically designed to promote clear nails in people who suffer from unsightly onychomycosis, the clinical name for toenail fungus. Other options are available but none offer sufficient or long-term clinical data or proven efficacy.

Finally, I am able to offer my patients an option that is more successful than topical therapies, more effective and safer than oral medications, and the in-office treatment takes only about 30-minutes. PinPointe FootLaser is an easy and convenient treatment that is pain-free, has no harmful side effects, and helps your discolored and disfigured nails grow into clearer, healthier looking nails. 

Clinical Results

The Federal Food and Drug Administration cleared the PinPointe Foot Laser for the treatment of toenail fungus in October 2010.

Clinical studies show that after a single treatment, between 68 percent and 81 percent of patients experienced increased clear nail at six and 12 months and 81 percent of all patients had sustained improvement at 12 months.

Call us to schedule a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for this new therapy because not all thickened toenails are caused by a fungus.



Lincoln Park Podiatry
2752 North Southport Ave
Lincoln Park | Lakeview

Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: 773-467-7421
Fax: 855-746-8955

Office Hours

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